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Title of Paper: ICSSP 2021

First Author(a), Second Author(b)

(a) Physics, University of A, A-City, Pakistan

(b)School of Engineering, University of B, B-Town, Republic of B

e-mail: author@a-univ. ac.pk

Oral  Poster

Category / Topic: ______________________

Presenter’s Name: ______________________

Abstracts must be submitted prior to the November 30, 2021. The presenting author must be a paid registrant. All abstracts must be submitted via email (secretary.icssp@pu.edu.pk)  

The abstract-file should contain a 1 page document. Text, mathematical expressions, graphs, tables, and figures are allowed. The text must be typed with Times New Roman. The left, right, top and bottom margins should be 20 mm [1]. The document will be printed in a reduced size (A5 size) and in black and white.

The text should contain the following items in the exact given order and written in English:

1) Title of the paper: 20pt size font, use bold.

2) Author (initials or first names before surnames), separated by commas and each followed by a footnote letter (a,b,c...) referring to the respective address (16pt size font).

3) Addresses, each preceded by a footnote letter referring to the respective author name(s) (14pt size font).

4) Main Text preferably should not be partioned into sections (14pt size font). 

5) References should be limited to the most relevant literature. They should all be cited in the text, numbered in square [] brackets consecutively in order of first appearance.

6) Tables should have a clear structure, with simple column headings that include all units in parentheses.

 7) Figures must be sufficiently large in order for all details not to become illegible in printed form.  Figure captions should be 14pt size font.

Authors are asked to follow as close as possible the template provided. (Use of MS-Word is strongly recommended.) 

[1] A. Bcc, D. E. Fgg and H. Ijj, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 11, 222 (2009).