Dr. Syed Sajjad Hussain (LATE)
Assistant Professor
University of the Punjab, QAC, Lahore-54590, Pakistan
Sajjadh.cssp@pu.edu.pk, syedsajjad110@yahoo.com
Nationality: | Pakistani |
Date of Birth: | 28th September 1978 |
Birth Place: | Sialkot, Pakistan |
Doctor Degree | Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy (2007 - 2010) |
(Ph.D) France | Field: Solid state physics Thesis title: Elaboration, characterization structural and luminescence of Er doped AlN thin film deposition obtained by PVD magnetron RF Specializations: Thin film deposition by magnetron sputtering, Photoluminescence, III-V Semiconductors, Aluminum Nitride, Erbium doping, Nano materials. Applications: Optoelectronics, temperature - insensitive laser diods and optical amplifiers. Supervisor: Professor Dr. Philippe Pigeat (Research Director of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS Nancy France) |
MS | Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble (2006 - 2007) Field: Physics Thesis title: Etching indium phosphide (InP) using Inductive Coupled Plasma (ICP), and reactive Ion etching (RIE) Specializations: Plasma technology and applications, Optimization of dry etching of InP by using RIE and ICP. Applications: Photonic crystals,MEMS, LASERS Supervisor: Jean-Louis Leclercq (Research Director of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS - Institute of Nanotechnologies de Lyon, INL Site Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France) |
M. Sc Degree | University Of The Punjab, Lahore (1999 - 2001) Field: Physics Thesis title: Dielectric Properties of Industrial polymer Composite Materials Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tasneem Zohra Rizvi, PCSIR, Lahore Grade: First Division |
Bachelor Degree | University Of The Punjab, Lahore (1997-1999) Field: Mathematics and Physics Grade: First Division |
- (Jan 2011- current) Member of Pakistan Institute of Physics, PIP in collaboration with Department of Physics, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Pakistan. (ID No. PIPC-11-06)
Research Supervision:
Higher education commission APPROVED PhD Supervisor Since 2012.
Research Supervision (M.Phil Research): 5 students.
Assistant Professor (Physics): Oct 2010 - Present
Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan Subjects taught (Post-graduates, M.Phil) :
- Application of Nanostructures.
- Lab work (Post-graduates, M.Phil):
- Optical Lithography Lab
- Thin film Fabrication Lab
Member of organizing committee:
- International Conference on Solid State Physics (ICSSP'13) was held during 02 - 06 December, 2013 at Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. http://www.icssp13.org.pk/
http://www.icssp13.org.pk/index.php/committeess/organizingcommitteemembers - International Conference on Solid State Physics (ICSSP'15) was held during 13 - 17 December, 2015 at Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.